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3 Signs That You Need an Air Purifier

woman-with-allergiesA lot of homeowners think that keeping temperatures comfortable in their homes is the top priority. Now, don’t get us wrong.  This is a top priority. But when it comes to the air in your home, comfortable temperatures are just part of the equation.

In too many homes, the quality of that air is the missing piece of the equation.

No need to worry, though. We install and service some of the finest air purifiers on the market, including the APCO® system and the iWave-R. With a system like this in place, you’ll be breathing air of a higher quality in no time. Of course, you first need to realize that there is a problem to begin with. Here are 3 common warning signs that you need an air purifier in Chesterfield, MO.

1. Your Allergies Are Getting Worse and Worse

Seasonal allergies are a real pain. But when the season in which your allergens are worst passes, you get some relief, right? No? Then you may need an air purifier in your home.

If your allergies never really seem to let up, or if they actually seem like they’re at their worst when you’re at home, it probably speaks more to low indoor air quality in your house than anything else.

Using a great air purification system allows you to reduce allergens in your home—so long as you’re using the right system. There are a lot of different air purifiers out there, and working with a trained professional will ensure that you have the right system for your needs.

2. Your Home Smells—Well, It Just Smells!

We could all use a little more time in our day to clean up around the house, right? Sure. But that doesn’t mean that the odor in your home is a direct result of a lack of cleaning.

It could be that you just don’t have the right tools in place to deal with things like cooking or pet odors.

You’ve got to eat, and you’re not getting rid of the pooch just because he or she isn’t the most pleasant-smelling beast on the block. That doesn’t mean that you can’t keep the air in your home fresher smelling with a great air purifier, though.

3. Your Family Isn’t As Healthy As You’d Like

Does it seem like your family is always coughing or sneezing? Always a bit run down? In this day and age, we’re all pretty careful about keeping our hands clean and all that. Still, you may find that you’re feeling under the weather or coming down with a bug too frequently.

We can help.

No, we’re not doctors. But we can install and air purifier that will decimate biological pollutants like mold, viruses, and bacteria in your house. And you won’t get stuck in our waiting room for an hour before we call you in, either!

Our Recommend Air Purifiers

There is no single air purifier that is the right fit for every single home or every single situation. We’ve been in this business a long time, though, and we know what to look for in air purifiers. That’s why we strongly recommend these two products. Let us know if you have any questions, and rest assured that we’ll find the right system for your needs.

  • APCO® – This whole-house air purification system uses both activated carbon and UV-C light to remove odors and chemicals from the air that you breathe, while also killing biological pollutants that put your health and your property at risk.
  • iWave-R – Meet the first self-cleaning, maintenance-free needlepoint bi-polar ionization generator ever! That’s quite a mouthful, but it comes down to this. The iWave-R uses positive and negative ions to purify air. It kills mold, bacteria, and viruses effectively. It also cuts down on allergens, airborne pollutants, and even static electricity and odors in the house!

Schedule your IAQ services with Fresh Air Heating & Cooling.

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