Heating Repairs FAQ: What Are Some Common Signs of Trouble?

cold-manThe last thing that you want to experience is a heater breakdown just when you need your system the most. Unfortunately, that is just when your heater is most likely to break down! Think about it—if there is a problem with the heater that is causing it to struggle in its operation, it only makes sense that it will break down entirely when the most stress is put on it.  That leaves you and your family in a tough situation.

By scheduling heating repairs at the first sign of trouble, and treating all operating issues as potentially serious problems, you can help to prevent such an unfortunate experience with your heater. The St. Peters, MO, HVAC professionals on our staff have some tips to help you do just that. Keep the following information in mind, and remember that it is always better to play it a little safe than to wind up a lot sorry! Voice your concerns promptly.

Your Heater Is Blowing Cool Air

This may seem like a very obvious problem, and it really is. However, even the most obvious problems can be written off by busy homeowners. And if there is one thing that we all have in common this day and age, it’s that our lives are busier than ever!

That being said, you really need to slow down and evaluate this problem if it develops in your home. Your heater, if properly sized and operating correctly, should not struggle to blow warm air throughout your home. If you’re feeling cool air coming from the system, then you may have leaky ductwork, a faulty thermostat, or even a fuel delivery or combustion issue. We’ll figure out air precisely what’s wrong in order to get your system back on track.

Your Heater Costs too Much to Operate

Again, this is one that homeowners are too quick to write off. Well, it’s been cold lately. Sure, you’re going to pay more to heat your home when it’s very cold versus when it’s just a little chilly. That makes sense. However, if you notice that your heating bills are really spiking despite the fact that you’re not using your heater any differently than usual, then you probably have a problem in need of attention on your hands.

Be sure to change your air filter regularly to help protect energy efficiency, as clogged filters can create excessive airflow resistance. Beyond that, you may need professional repairs to get your system back to peak efficiency levels. Really, any problem with your heater has the potential to hurt efficiency, so looking at operating costs and not just signing off on payments is a great way to identify problems early on.

Your Heater Short Cycles

If your heater is starting up, running briefly,  then stopping again quite rapidly, you’ve got a problem on your hands. It’s called short cycling, and there are a number of reasons why it may happen. You should check your air filter first, as that’s the simplest solution—the system may be overheating and shutting down to prevent damage.

Other causes could be related to electrical components, or even refrigerant leaks in heat pumps. Do not tell yourself that your heater is working well enough. You deserve more than that, and so does your system!

Contact Fresh Air Heating & Cooling for your heating repair needs.

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