The spring and summer are precisely the times of year when it’s most important to have your air conditioner working as efficiently and effectively as possible. Nevertheless, your AC system won’t always cooperate with you in this regard, and it’s essential to know when its efficiency is lagging. The following are three signs by which homeowners in St. Charles, MO, can tell when their AC system has become inefficient:
Massive Energy Bills
Exploding energy bills are the clearest signs of cratering AC efficiency. If no major increase in usage accompanies this explosion, you’ll have even more robust confirmation of this suspicion.
These ballooning bills will surely jolt you into seeking AC repair services. While this may be the solution to the problem, in some cases, things may have become so dysfunctional that no response short of outright system replacement will be appropriate. Of course, we should also stress that providing your system with regular maintenance may prevent such difficulties from ever arising in the first place.
Poor Airflow
Poor airflow sits at the root of an enormous number of AC problems, meaning that it’s almost sure to indicate systemic inefficiency. For example, lackluster airflow might arise from dirty air filters or a shortage of refrigerant consequent upon a leak.
Age of the AC System
Other things being equal, an older AC system will be less efficient than a newer air conditioner. This is true because efficiency tends to decline with age, and newer AC models employ more advanced technology than older ones.
As a rule, you can expect your central AC system to have a lifespan of about 15 years. Beyond this point, overall efficiency will at least begin to creep downward, which is a truth that will apply even if you’ve taken excellent care of your system over the years. Therefore, we strongly recommend getting a new air conditioner at that stage.
Sticking with an inefficient AC system will only impose needless and avoidable costs on you this summer in St. Charles, MO. Once you notice signs of inefficiency, call Fresh Air Heating & Cooling and schedule our AC services without delay.
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