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Why Do Heat Pumps Short Cycle in Wentzville, MO?

House With Air Heat Pump

Short cycling refers to when HVAC systems turn on and off without going through complete heating or cooling cycles. Since this has the power to cripple your heat pump, you should understand why it happens. Here are a few reasons heat pumps in Wentzville, MO, might start short cycling:

Weak Airflow

Airflow is important to virtually every aspect of your heat pump’s daily operations. If it diminishes for any reason, you’ll probably witness an across-the-board decline in system performance.

More specifically, if less air moves into your home from your heat pump, the system will have to retain more of its heat than it did before. If it cannot get rid of excess heat, it’ll overheat, which may trigger safety switches and cause the entire system to shut down. After a while, it’ll turn on. But unless you remove the airflow obstruction, it’ll overheat and shut off again.

Poor airflow can result from many things, including dirty filters and debris trapped in various system components. To clean your system, you’ll need the maintenance services of a licensed professional.

Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant is a substance that has the power to evaporate while absorbing heat from the air in one area. It can then condense and release that heat in another area. This process of evaporation and condensation allows heat pumps to do their work.

If your system loses some of its refrigerant, its capacity to do this may decline, which can cause short cycling. Never attempt to replace refrigerant on your own. It’s a hazardous substance to human health and the environment.

Thermostat Malfunctions

Finally, your heat pump’s bizarre behavior may have nothing to do with its own state. If your thermostat malfunctions, it can send incorrect signals to your heat pump, causing it to perform shorter-than-normal cycles.

Short cycling causes additional wear and tear on heat pumps and wastes energy. Call Fresh Air Heating & Cooling immediately and schedule your heat pump repair services in or around Wentzville, MO.

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