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Why Isn’t My AC System in Valley Park, MO, Shutting Off?

AC System

A fully functioning air conditioner will shut off and turn on as needed throughout the day and night. When your AC system in Valley Park, MO, runs without stopping or shuts off all the time, you must act quickly to resolve the underlying problem. Read on to find out the possible reasons this happens and why you should schedule an air conditioning repair.

Broken AC Thermostat

The thermostat allows you to set a specific temperature, which it then uses to direct the air conditioner when to run and shut off. One of the first things we look for when you call to schedule a central AC repair is whether the thermostat works properly. If the thermostat stops sending info or sends the wrong temperature reading, the AC system can shut off because it thinks your home is cool.

Damaged Relay Stick

Your AC system uses a relay stick that opens and closes to tell the air conditioner to either keep running or shut down. There’s a chance you have a damaged relay stick stuck in the open position. This prevents the AC system from getting the signal it needs to remain open and running.

You Need an AC System Upgrade

The right AC system can handle the cooling needs of your home, which is why size is so important when you choose a new air conditioner. If the AC installation is too small, it cannot efficiently regulate the temperature. This causes it to run on high power for too long without cycling through its settings, which can make it shut down to save on overheating and other damage.

Clogged Air Filter

The filter helps keep the air in the system clean by capturing particles. When the filter clogs, it limits airflow and prevents the AC system from working efficiently. The air conditioner will run for long periods to lower the temperature, but that excess power also puts pressure on the system, which may cause it to turn off.

An air conditioner that keeps shutting down is a problem because it makes your home feel too hot and can lead to issues with humidity. Don’t delay in contacting Fresh Air Heating & Cooling to let us handle any needed AC repairs.

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