Why We Insist on Routine Heating Maintenance

chilly-manAfter a long, hot, and sticky summer season, the idea of cooler weather may not be that unwelcome. In fact, that change of pace may be quite anticipated. Once the chill of winter does set in, though, you need to know that you are going to be able to live comfortably throughout the season. It won’t be long before you are pining for the hot days of summer if you are not able to cool your home properly with your home heating system.

That is why we recommend that you schedule routine heating maintenance with the O’Fallon, MO HVAC professionals here on our team. We will go over your heater with a fine-toothed comb in order to guarantee that it is ready for anything that winter can throw its way. We may not get pummelled with subzero temperatures and heavy snowfalls the way that they do in other parts of the country, but that definitely does not mean that you can afford to overlook the importance of routine heating maintenance for your system.

Is Heater Maintenance Really That Important?

Yes, it really, really is.

“But my heater was fine at the end of last season? Why would I pay to have it fixed at the beginning of this one when there was nothing wrong with it?”

Because having your heater tuned-up and having it fixed are two very, very different things. In fact, the whole point of maintenance is to prevent the need for having your heater fixed down the line. Can it guarantee that you’ll never run into heating problems? No. In fact, we guarantee that you will eventually need heating repairs.

Does it mean that your risk of running into problems with your heater will be kept to a bare minimum?

You Bet!

It’s Not Just About Reliability, Though

Having your system inspected annually and meticulously tuned-up does indeed make your system as reliable as possible. However, it also helps to keep your heater functioning as efficiently as possible.

Over time, your heater is going to incur some wear and tear. That same wear and tear that leads to operational problems will also drag down the efficiency with which your system operates. That leaves you to pay more for your heater’s output! Worse yet, that output will suffer as well.

We believe that you deserve more than to overpay for a lesser heating performance from a system that is ultimately less reliable than it should be. Taking advantage of routine maintenance, specifically through our maintenance program, is the best way to avoid such downfalls. Our goal is to help you get the very best from your heater and, without exception, routine maintenance is the best way to achieve this goal.

One Last Tip

If you use a forced air heating system, there is actually one heating maintenance task that you can handle on your own. It is as vital as it is simple. Change your air filter regularly. It’s not about indoor air quality. It’s about limiting airflow resistance so that your heater has the easiest time possible when effectively warming your home.

Schedule heating maintenance with Fresh Air Heating & Cooling today.

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